
26 November 2021

A Time Capsule for 2021 provides key learning aids – lesson plans (some have a supporting PowerPoint), an animation and a time capsule fact file – to explore what a time capsule is and how pupils can capture the essence of 2021. The target audience is Primary and Key Stage 3.


18 March 2021

This is a sample 12 week Autumn and Winter programme for Cubs.  It incorporates the Investiture of new Cubs, a Sixer and Seconder weekend, a morning in the Forest, Adventure Skills and Christmas Crafts.


18 March 2021

This is a sample of a discrete programme which covers all the different SPICES and allows each Cub to obtain the beads.  It was designed to run in the second term and so includes Pancake Tuesday.  We also combined it with a gang show/concert in the local Old People's home.


24 February 2021

These resources can be used to run a Sixer and Seconder Weekend.  It can be run as a group only event or can be run on a County basis.  The programme is based on the Adventure Skills and covers Backwoods and Pioneering.  Within the ‘Admin Resources’ you will find the full programme, together with some paperwork you may useful in preparing for the weekend.  The ‘Backwoods Resources’ and the ‘Pioneering Resources’ contain the different activities being covered, together with a list of equipment for each of the bases.