Northern Province News - Page 7 of 11 - Scout Foundation NI

The latest news from Scouting in the Northern Province

23 March 2021

Messengers of Peace is an excellent way for Venture Scouts to develop in the Social and Character areas by engaging in practical projects that address local social needs.
Social and Character: Organise a community project.

  • Plan: Learn about a social issue (several meetings) and plan ways in which you can help (several meetings)
  • Do: Activity Crews undertake a community project (two weekends)
  • Review: Evaluate your project and commit to maintenance (meeting, on-going)

Messengers of Peace


18 March 2021

This is a sample 12 week Autumn and Winter programme for Cubs.  It incorporates the Investiture of new Cubs, a Sixer and Seconder weekend, a morning in the Forest, Adventure Skills and Christmas Crafts.


18 March 2021

This is a sample of a discrete programme which covers all the different SPICES and allows each Cub to obtain the beads.  It was designed to run in the second term and so includes Pancake Tuesday.  We also combined it with a gang show/concert in the local Old People's home.