Quality Assurance Poster for Scout Groups

Quality Assurance is the process by which we reflect on what we do in Scouting – what is it we do that works really well and what areas could we improve on.  You are already doing quality assurance if you follow the Plan, Do, Review process.

This poster is a support tool to help structure that process. The main page of the poster displays the SPICES programme. Youth members then get involved to say what they enjoyed most about scouting the past year, what you could improve/do better and finally to agree actions that you will do next year.

The other side of the poster provides useful reminders for Scouters and Trustees in 3 main areas:

1. Being Safe
2. Good Governance
3. Communication

This poster is a tool to support all groups to Quality Assure and will hopefully encourage some to take part in the full QSE programme.  Quality Assurance poster is supported by a HOW TO video.

Email office@sfni.org if your group would like some printed Quality Assurance posters (A3 size) forwarded to your group.